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Events for Central Valley Parish
Mark Your Calendar Now!


3rd Annual Hamburger, Hotdog and Corn Feed


Wednesday, August 9th 5:30-8pm at the Reynolds Park.


The Corn is donated from the “Victory Garden” of Neil and Jaxson Thompson and Dorian Beck. All proceeds will be given to Reynolds Lutheran Church.


This event is sponsored by the families of Olger, Nellie and Les Thompson

and Ashley Breidenbach.

Hope to see everyone there!




Money 4 Missions:



MONEY 4 MISSION: the name of the special offering we collect throughout the year (formerly known as “Noisy Offering”). You are certainly welcome to still collect your change. However, when change is hard to come by we encourage donations in the form of Cash, Check, or Online Giving.


WHEN: On the 2nd and 5th Sunday’s of each month September 2022-August 2023. 


WHERE: At each worship service, kids and volunteers will collect this special offering in silver buckets at the end of Kid’s Time. 


WHO: This year all monies collected will be shared between ELCA World Hunger and our new Midweek Meal Program. We thank you in advance for your generosity. Watch our monthly

Newsletter for updates throughout the year.


MONIES COLLECTED TO DATE of April: $1,644.44




Summer Bible Camp:


t Central Valley Parish, we believe that ELCA Lutheran

Camping Ministry is joyful and fun, engaging youth at various stages of life. Faith formation is fueled through camp songs, games, relationships with cabin mates/counselors, campfire time, Bible studies, and more. Therefore, part of the ministry of our parish is to help kids and their

families to be encouraged and supported in their connection to our ELCA Bible Camps.


Park River Bible Camp:

Red Willow Bible Camp:

Camp Metigoshe:


We have chosen July 30th-Aug 4th as CVP Bible Camp week at

Metigoshe. We will provide rides, Pastor and Krista will be at camp too. If this week or camp choice does not work for you and your family, we encourage you to check out a different week at Metigoshe or one of the other ELCA Bible camps. (We hope to also offer a Day Camp at Park River BC for those younger than 2nd Gr. We do not have those dates at this time. Watch your next newsletter for more information.)


Day Play: (Entering into Gr. 2-3) Aug. 3-4 $175, a great introduction to Camp Metigoshe! Swimming, games, Jesus, snacks, Bible Study, campfire, and more will be packed into 25 amazing hours of

Adventure Anchored in Christ.


Trailblazers: (Entering Gr. 4-5) July 30-Aug 2nd $450, a half-week Camp Metigoshe experience you won't forget! Days will be packed with new adventures in God’s beautiful creation, the perfect length for those getting used to sleeping away from home.


Pioneers: (Entering Gr. 6-7) $525, July 30-Aug. 4th, a full week of camp and the chance to camp out in a tent! Grow in your faith while making new friends and experiencing the adventures of Camp



Stargazers: (Entering Gr. 8-10) $525 July 30-Aug. 4th, if you love staying up late and sleeping in, we have the perfect week for you! Learn more about God’s immense creation and grow in faith.


REGISTRATION: If you want to attend the designated CVP week, please register directly through Camp Metigoshe and let Pastor know you have registered. *No child or youth will be turned away from participation because of financial reasons.


Bible Camp Scholarships 2023: Because of the financial gift from Marian

Knudsvig (MK), we can now more fully support local families’ abilities to participate in Bible Camp. There are both full and partial scholarships available.

Perpetual Care Immanuel Lutheran Cemeteries:


Did you know that Immanuel has four total Cemeteries to care for each year? We are so blessed to have such

beautiful land on the prairie in which many families have generations of loved ones laid to rest in.


We invite you to help with the perpetual care which largely includes mowing at roughly $7,000 each year and what is not covered by donations is paid for by the general fund. Thank you to those who give regularly to the perpetual care. If you have not given a donation yet this year, we are prayfully asking you to please consider doing so over these summer months. You can mail a check into the church

office with Cemetery Fund in the memo line. Or you can make an online donation at:  Follow the yellow donate button. You can set up a one time or recurring donation. You can select “Cemetery Fund” in the drop down box on the online giving page. Thank you in advance for your help and generosity, it is greatly appreciated.

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